My Books




I have finished my first novel (in 30 days) and now I’m working on book 2. That’s right. I’m busy writing my second novel. Woohoo! Wanna join me? Check this out!

Progress on writing my book?

I have officially finished my first novel. This experience has been invaluable and I have learnt so much about myself and about writing as a craft.

My main character shaped into so much more than I could have imagined. She’s an amazing woman, with many flaws (like we all have too). My minor characters have brought up so many new stories that I can’t wait to explore in the future. I can see many more novels coming from the characters in this one book.

I am also currently sending out query letters to agents. This process in itself is scary and so tough to do but a necessary step in my journey to achieve where I want to end up.

Update and Novel 2

I have now started writing novel 2. I am excited and scared and happy all at the same time. I really do love writing. I love creating the lives of characters and moulding their actions through my fingertips touching the keys of my MacBook.