The Woman in Cabin 10 was one book that I had passed in the bookstore over and over again, wanting to read but never buying. Finally, I read the book and I rather enjoyed it. Watch the full review down below.
Title The Woman in Cabin 10
Author Ruth Ware
Genre Thriller

Month May
Book The Woman in Cabin 10
Format Audio
Cost 1 Credit
Thumbs up/down Thumbs up
Rating 8/10
What I loved I loved the setting
What I hated I hated not knowing who the woman in cabin 10 was
My favorite part is when Lo is locked up and Carrie comes to rescue her and they swop clothes.
What is my first impression?
I loved the look of the book. It looked mysterious and the back blurb gave just enough information to leave you wanting more.
What was my initial reaction to the book?
I enjoyed the book and I was hooked from the start. I think the buzz and excitement of the book club added to the experience.
What was my favorite quote/passage?
“We all have demons inside us, voices that whisper we’re no good, that if we don’t make this promotion or ace that exam we’ll reveal to the world exactly what kind of worthless sacks of skin and sinew we really are. Maybe that’s true. Maybe mine just have louder voices.”
Did I find any themes throughout the book?
Confusion, Fear, Anxiety
Which character did you like the most?
What three words would you use to describe the book?
Captivating, Anxious, Fear
Who do you see playing the characters roles in a movie?
Lo (Lauren Blackwood) – Emily Blunt
Juda – Josh Hartnett
Richard Bullmar – George Clooney
Anne Bullmar – Rosamund Pike
Carrie – Rosamund Pike
Cole (photographer) – Ryan Gosling
Ben (Ex-boyfriend) – Johnny Lee Miller
Nilsson (head of security) – Liam Neeson
Did I know? How did I know?
I didn’t know. I had my suspicions but I really wasn’t sure until everything happened with Carrie.
How did I feel about the ending?
I loved the ending, especially the letter “tiggers bounce”
What type of reader would be interested in this book?
You would be interested in this story if you enjoy unreliable narrators like “Girl of a train” and “Gone Girl”
What is my biggest takeaway from the book?
I learnt you should always trust your gut, even if sometimes it seems crazy to do so.
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