Category: Family
A note from a sleep deprived mommy
I changed the title of this blog post from “what the fuck is wrong with my child?” to the more appropriate “a noteB from a sleep deprived mommy”. Lesson: don’t write blog posts while sleep deprived at 5am after being up all night and knowing you have to wake up in an hour. This…
10 Things I’ve learned from trying to get my toddler to sleep
Lilah used to be an amazing sleeper. She slept through the night from 5 weeks old. After that a series of events happened which we think could be the cause of her bad sleeping habits. To start we were building a house which wasn’t finished so we had to move into a single room in my parents…
Tips for taking your baby and toddler to the beach
I love going to the beach with my family. It’s so much fun and seeing Lilah’s face when she sees how much sand there is, is just the best feeling in the world. Lilah loves sand. She says the beach is a ‘big sandpit’. When you’re going to the beach with a toddler, and a…
Flu remedies while breastfeeding
Getting a cold or flu sucks no matter how you look at it. But, getting a cold or flu while you’re breastfeeding sucks even more. I wrote this flu rememdies while breastfeeding post years ago and I’ve decided to update it because I’ve got a lot more to add to the post especially as I…
Calm down hearts
A little while ago I read about a woman (I can’t remember where though) who wanted to stop yelling at her kids. She read about a technique and decided to give it a try. She cut out little hearts and pasted them all around her life, and at any point when she felt she was going…