Category: Fitness

  • The busy girls fitness hacks

    The busy girls fitness hacks

       Busy girl’s or even lazy girls really need some motivation sometimes to stay fit and to do easy tasks to keep going. Here are some fantastic fitness hacks for the very busy. Try to incorporate them into your daily lives. Keep it short Try opt for shorter but more intense workouts rather than longer,…

  • How having a baby changes your posture

    How having a baby changes your posture

    I love my babies so much but since I had my daughter I have realized that my “good” posture has gone out the window. The other day I was in the middle of  a dance class and was asked to sit upright and do simple upper back extension. I almost died. My upper back muscles…

  • You only have one body – look after it!

    You only have one body – look after it!

       I know this is pretty much common sense but somehow, even though we all know this we don’t really live by this. And we should.  I have been lucky, or unlucky, enough to have been able to watch people around me struggle with their bodies. Some from illness, some from repetitive broken bones and…

  • Postpartum exercise

    Postpartum exercise

       After having Lilah I remember being extremely shocked at how weak my stomach muscles were, in fact how weak my whole body was. When I was pregnant with Hayden I prepared myself, or I thought I did, for this again. And boy-oh-boy it didn’t work. I thought I remembered how weak I was but…

  • Why every person should be stretching

    Everyone wants to grow old gracefully. Well, at least I definitely want to grow old gracefully. What does this mean? Well growing old gracefully in my mind means never seeming old. Never slowing down too much and not being constricted in every day activities. One way to help keep good mobility is to stretch. That’s…

  • Little secrets to help you exercise and stay healthy

    Little secrets to help you exercise and stay healthy

       As mentioned in this post I am getting back into a fitness routine after having my, oh so cute, baby boy. There are a few little secrets that I have for living a healthier and more active lifestyle and i’m going to share them with you. 1. I Drink plenty of water. I use…